How is the Deer Stalking?
We are professionals and specialists in hunting DEER, having the best hunting grounds in the open and a large number of hectares for this, obtaining the best results each season.

We have the stalks of deer in bellowing or in winter in large open areas to enjoy hunting in its purest form in natural parks and areas of great beauty, being able to hunt in closed farms to ensure great trophies for hunters who need it, we can hunt to stalk, wait in feeders and if they wish with a bow
In Management, we have several open farms where you can enjoy, in the wild state of stalking, bellowing or waiting in the Albacete area with an area of about 2000 hectares. where the deer, mouflons, wild boars and some Hispanic goats that live in the wild between mountains , meadows and small crops and some terraced areas, where you can enjoy hunting in its purest form. There is also the possibility of also hunting them in a fenced farm.
Gescin offers you the possibility of accommodation on a farm in a wooden cabin, or near hotels and rural areas for accommodation. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call without any commitment, we will provide you with all the information.

If you are interested in a deer stalking, we have several fenced farms in which we carry out these stalking.